Funmi Adebayo's Blog

Inspiring Change Through Literature and Media

Things To Start Doing This New Year (1)

Funmi Adebayo

At 14 days into the New Year, I have seen and heard all kinds of goals and resolutions from different quarters: Financial, Career, Personal, Spiritual, Relationship, Health, Fitness goals, – you name it! Some very realistic and achievable; others not so doable. Not because those involved failed to follow the ABCs of goal setting, but more for people being too hard on themselves…

Imagine someone who has been addicted to a high sugar diet trying to make an overnight shift without expecting his taste buds and entire system to rebel and lead him into even greater cravings and indulgences; or someone who has been overweight almost all her life hoping to drop two sizes down in a month and to maintain the new dress size with minimal struggles… Of course, like the goddess that I am, I can tell where the story will end before it even begins…

You never know what you’re missing by not doing some things until you start doing them. Likewise, you can’t fathom the value of some things you do until you stop.

In any case, I have resolved to not overload myself with laborious goals this New Year. I’d rather make necessary adjustments to my lifestyle, acquire new new skills and cultivate better habits – living life one day at a time, and inching towards my goals one step at a time.

In the next few days, I will be sharing with you my simple list of Few Things To Do or Start Doing This New Year. I’m sure you will enjoy it.


Let’s start from here:  

Devotion and Fellowship With God:

It is pertinent to reiterate, as the new year begins, that the purpose of church is for fellowship and for equipping the saints for victorious living. Waiting till mid week service or every next Sunday to pray, study the Bible, worship, breathe is not the intention. I know we all know these things, however, the hustle of living will likely take the lead when interests collide. Living this way could be outright disastrous.

It is essential that you establish a system to ensure you do the right things consistently, no matter what. Here are some things you need to start doing:

1. Ensure to appear before God everyday for a quality time of devotion. Just thirty minutes will make a world of difference. During that short time, worship, pray and ensure to do the following things as well:

2. Read your Bible everyday. If Bible In One Year and other lengthy Bible Study Plans wouldn’t work, start with just few verses, say five or ten per day: as long as you take in something every single day. Most devotional guides offer brilliant assistant as well as giving fresh insights you require to rule your day… You can download free copies of my Devotional Series for a start. Click here to download your free version of Getting Your Groove Back 

Command your day each morning. Life won’t cooperate with you, but will go it’s own way if you let it.

3. Speak in tongues everyday. You never know what you’re missing by not doing some things until you start doing them. Likewise, you can’t fathom the value of some things you do until you stop. Praying in other tongues is one of such practices. I will do a series on this subject on Each Day Online later in the year.

However, as a Christian, you should realize that praying in other tongues energizes your spirit-man, lights up your candle, and builds your capacity and ruggedness on the inside, such that the pressures of life don’t throw you helter shelter, or mesmerize you on the outside. You can do all things and you know all things through the Unction of the Holy One on the inside. Praying in tongues on a regular basis grants your spirit direct access to heaven’s wealth of strength, wisdom and inspiration required to be on top of your game as you go about your daily business.

This practice is NOT for pastors alone. Fifteen, twenty, thirty minutes a day will do; but it gets more pleasurable with regular practice, and with time, you will always find yourself over shooting your limits and going on for hours without breaking a sweat. Please read Power Outage? Change Over and Get Help! , a short true life account of a young working class woman for how this practice comes handy in the corporate world.

4. Command your day each morning. Life won’t cooperate with you, but will go it’s own way if you let it. Imagine turning on your car’s ignition, marching on the accelerator and allowing it to run freely without engaging the steering wheel. You do about the same thing each time you start your day without setting the stage by speaking good words into the atmospheres, especially the word of God. When things are left to chance, just anything goes. When people fail to fulfill their responsibilities in life, chaos ensues. You don’t have to go around that circle of confusion again this year.

From today, never leave home without first setting the stage, paving the way and instructing your angels on assignment by speaking one, two, three promises of God concerning you into the atmosphere. For instance, you can speak good words like…

– All things are working together for my good
– I’m highly favoured today, and so is my entire household
– I’m empowered to prosper
– I have the upper hand over every challenge and difficult circumstance of life. 
– I can never be stranded
– I will run and not be weary, walk and not faint
– I am protected. No evil befalls me and my entire household. Etc.

Doing these things daily is not farfetched. You can achieve all by setting your alarm just thirty minutes earlier, also by taking advantage of the little solitude that fill your day. For instance, during the bumper to bumper traffic as you commute to work. While it’s good to listen to the radio in traffic, you can also plan to spend few minutes praying in the Spirit under your breath while you listen to few verses of the scripture at those times.

If you’d make fellowship with God a priority, consistently engaging in these practices, in just thirty days, you will wonder how you ever survived without His glory for so long. And that’s when you’d realize the difference between living and merely existing. 

Funmi Adebayo

Getting Your Groove Back is a contemporary and practical devotional e-book which you’d read because it’s really fun to read. In 30 days, you will break away from the cycle of your wearisome past as you get fresh perspectives for a brand new start.

 The main subject of this book is dealt with in four major thought units namely:

  1. Life, Living and Recovering
  2. Attitude Shift (Stop Coasting Series etc.) 
  3. Joy Series
  4. Evolving

Read it for an empowering outlook on life for a brand-new start!

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About Funmi Adebayo

Funmi is an Electrical/Electronic Engineer, and an innovative Content Developer, Marketing Communications Professional, Visual Storyteller, Writer and Freelance Editor with many years of cross-function experience across industries, including Tech and Information Systems, Telecoms, Aviation, Media and Publishing. She also helps authors, organizations and professionals develop and project manage their book ideas from concept to post-production and distribution. When she's not working, she's busy listening to classical music whilst reading or writing another op-ed article, poem, or devotional. Visit to learn more about Funmi. Reach her via📱 +234-9095200510 (WhatsApp only) or 📧 for features, or visit 🌍 for her freelance services.

3 comments on “Things To Start Doing This New Year (1)

  1. Funmi Francis-Adebayo
    January 27, 2016

    Commenting with my facebook id

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Emily Rose Lewis
    January 16, 2016

    I need to start speaking in tongues daily. I spend time in the word, with the Lord and in prayer everyday but I have not been using my prayer language as I should. I am going to pray in the Spirit tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

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